Touring Irvine, CA Wineries and Breweries
Touring Irvine, CA wineries and breweries is an experience that can enliven the senses. Many local wineries are located close to one another, allowing visitors to sample multiple vintages and blends while they take in the beautiful vine-covered landscapes. Many of these wineries are family-run, providing a unique and authentic experience to those who take part. For those wanting a more modern experience, there is an increasing number of breweries located in and around Irvine, providing a selection of craft brews that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning beer lovers. Visit this link for more information.
Many wineries and breweries invite guests to relax and share stories with the owners and vintners while they sample the wines and beers they make. For those in need of a break from the city, many of the wineries and breweries offer guided tours of the vineyards and brewhouses, giving visitors an informational and educational journey. Other activities may include wine-pairing dinners, vineyard hikes, and interactive tastings. Read about Immerse Yourself in Irvine: A Tour of Irvine’s TOP Attractions here.
Whether you’re a beer enthusiast or connoisseur of fantastic wines, Irvine’s wineries and breweries have something for everyone. No matter what type of experience you desire, touring Irvine’s wineries and breweries will give you an unforgettable journey through wine and beer culture.